Monday, May 10, 2010

My Pink Coaster

Hello! It has been a little too long, but I was traveling around and work everyday.

My website will be functioning in about a week, and I am happy to announce to change my blog style.
Since I started this blog half a year ago, I strictly limited the contents only my artwork. From now on, I will post ANYTHING, probably including not-related-to-art, and write both in English and Japanese.

Last month I was in Japan and met some people that are interested in my artwork and my selection of clothing and furniture. Since I have a little bit of experience as a buyer and a stylist, I would LOVE to show some of my collection.



By the way, my pink coaster is officially in production and some stores will start selling. Please email me in you would be interested in it. It is exactly same material and process with my Pink Table, I wish I could show how it glows, but unfortunately the camera doesn't catch how beautifully it does!
